The House Victory Fund is dedicated to maintaining and growing the Republican majority in the State Legislature to keep Arizona the best state in our nation to live, work, play, and get an education. Here are just a few of the key issues Republicans in the Arizona State House are focused on:

  • Economy

    When it comes to the economy, House Republicans support a balanced budget that funds key priorities like education and public safety — without raising your taxes. This year, House Republicans passed a fiscally conservative, structurally balanced state budget that solved the nearly $1.5 billion deficit with NO tax increases, NO new debt, NOT touching the rainy-day fund, or using budget gimmickry.

    House Republicans know the cost of living is simply too high — especially the cost of housing. That’s why they fought hard to eliminate taxes on your rent and issued tax rebates to return money to families who are struggling to make ends meet.

    House Republicans are taking charge where cities won’t to protect taxpayers and their private property, providing tax refunds for taxpayers who live in cities or counties that have created untenable situations related to the housing crisis. The House Republicans ran and supported several bills to address housing affordability that will give renters and homeowners alike more options for living comfortably in Arizona.

  • Border

    House Republicans know we are safer when local law enforcement can collaborate to stop drug cartels and human trafficking at the border. That’s why they support the Border Strike Force and using the National Guard to help. House Republicans increased support for local law enforcement for both border-related activities and dangerous drug interdiction. Our commonsense conservatives oppose sanctuary cities and know that when the federal government won’t do their job, we must do our best to keep our state safe.

  • Education

    House Republicans fought hard to protect school choice, refusing to let the Democrats make good on their long-time threat to dismantle school choice in Arizona. House Republicans continue to support choices for students: open enrollment, public charter schools, and empowerment scholarship accounts.

    House Republicans repudiated Governor Hobbs’ regressive attempts to destroy the universal ESA program and eliminate all School Tuition Organization (STO) tax credits. Instead, Republicans proposed and passed a budget that included several ESA system improvements. All ESA expenses may be reimbursed, preserving a popular tool used by parents to pay for approved items and services.

    House Republicans also introduced bills to increase teacher pay and support the Arizona Teachers Academy, which allows aspiring teachers at our public universities the ability to finish college debt-free if they commit to teach in an Arizona school upon graduation.

This election year, Democratic challengers are looking to give Democrats one-party control of state government in Arizona.


House Democrat candidates are just too liberal for Arizona. On virtually every issue they are much more aligned with policies you’d expect in California: opposing efforts to secure our border and reduce crime; voting against tax cuts on food and rent that keep more money in your pocket; and taking away education choices like open enrollment, public charter schools, and education savings accounts. Their values are out-of-touch with the people of Arizona.